Breast Cancer Screening
Breast Cancer Screening
Current breast cancer mammography screening has clear demonstrated benefits but is also associated with some side effects. The risk-benefit balance of these effects may differ according to each individual’s risk of developing breast cancer. This is why we have created MyPeBS, which aims at comparing the benefits and risks of the two strategies: the current ongoing strategy (mammogram for all women after a starting age) versus a risk-based strategy (mammograms at different time intervals according to individual risk, + eventually MRI if necessary).
Breast cancer: a major global health problem

Breast cancer remains a potentially lethal disease. Indeed, 20 to 25% of women developing breast cancer will eventually die, due to the development of metastases. Risk of metastases and global prognosis are linked to both tumor biology and burden at diagnosis.
Although very long survivals are sometimes possible, metastatic breast cancer remains an incurable disease.
There is therefore a major need for prevention, including earlier diagnosis (associated with a better prognosis, less treatments needs, less morbidity from the therapies, and lower costs) through secondary prevention, but also, of course, primary prevention.


new cases per year

deaths per year
Current breast cancer screening policies: known benefits

Apart from very rare patients at very high-risk, age is currently the only criterion for starting screening. Depending on the country, mammograms are offered every 1 to 3 years, starting from the age of 40-50 years up to 69-74 years.
These screening recommendations are based on large-scale randomized studies (New York, Malmo 1 and 2, Edinburgh, Swedish 2 county, Canada trials 1 and 2, Stockholm, Goteborg, UK age trial) that have globally shown that screening reduced breast cancer specific mortality by about 20% in the intent-to-treat populations (invited women), or 30-40% in the per-protocol populations (participating women).
The benefit and risk-benefit ratio of mammographic screening between the age of 40 and 50 is controversial and each country currently has its own policy. Mammographic screening has also been demonstrated to reduce the number of stage 2 and higher cancers at diagnosis in women older than 50.
Current breast cancer screening by mammography: harms and weaknesses

- The sensitivity of 2-yearly (and even more so if 3-yearly e.g. in UK) mammogram is not optimal: 1-2 (or more for UK) breast cancers every 1,000 examined women are interval cancers. This turns to 16 to 35% of cancers being interval cancers according to the screening interval. Furthermore, about one fourth of the cancers occurring in regularly screened women are still diagnosed at stage 2 or more.
- A small percentage of screening mammograms lead to additional check-ups or biopsies for an image that turns to finally be benign: these “false positive” results, according to the way they are estimated concern 3-14% of all screening mammograms, causing useless patient’s anxiety.
- Another criticism is overdiagnosis (screen detection of a cancer that would not have become clinically apparent without screening) which is estimated in average as 10% of all screen-detected cancers (estimates are highly variable; they range from 1% to 30%, depending on the population and estimation methods), leading to an inherent overtreatment.
- Mammographic screening is associated with a risk of radio-induced breast cancer. This risk appears extremely low (about 1 in 1,000 women screened during 30 years) compared to the benefits of early diagnosis and radiation doses delivered are now very closely monitored.
Changing the schedule can be beneficial

- In high risk individuals, although screening harms will not decrease and may even increase due to a higher screening frequency, such screening has large chances to be more efficient, as demonstrated in many publications;
- In low risk individuals, benefit to harm ratio should be driven by much less harms in terms of false positive findings, overdiagnoses, radio-induced cancers, whereas efficacy should not be decreased if a lower frequency screening is used. However, low risk does not mean no risk and appropriate surveillance measures (self-palpation, etc.) would have to be reinforced.
“4P medicine” and application to breast cancer screening

These breast cancer risk models can be separated into those that utilize mainly hormonal and environmental factors and those that focus more on hereditary risk. Indeed, specific models have been developed in high familial risk populations that are able to predict for the probability of a germline mutation as well as for a woman’s individual breast cancer risk in this setting: they include the extended Claus and more recently, BRCAPRO and Bodicea models. These models are, however, not suitable for the general population, and have been developed to predict for BRCA1/2 mutations but may be less relevant for other germline alterations.
These models are not suitable for the general population, in which the most accurate models are the three renewed Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool (BCRAT/Gail), Tyrer-Cuzick (IBIS) and Breast Cancer Screening Consortium (BCSC) models.
Non-genetic breast cancer risk factors include hormonal factors (e.g. use of hormone replacement therapy, oral contraception), reproductive factors (e.g. age of first pregnancy, breastfeeding, age at menarche, age at menopause) and lifestyle factors (e.g. obesity, physical activity, alcohol consumption).
Overall, except for true genetic predisposition, each of these factors alone has a limited impact, with relative risks between 1.1 (reproductive factors) and 3.
Beside this, and over the past 20 years, breast density has been explored and validated in many studies as an important breast cancer risk factor, together but independently of its other effect (masking effect): density is indeed currently regarded as an indicator that summarizes / can be used a surrogate marker of both a woman’s genetic background and exogenous exposures to hormones or other risk modifiers.
Breast cancer risk estimation

Exploration and description of breast cancer-associated risks through large retrospective and prospective cohorts have allowed a very high amount of data regarding potential individual risk factors of breast cancer.
A number of breast cancer risk factors have been identified, including family history, hormonal exposure, reproductive history and lifestyle.
Non-genetic breast cancer risk factors include hormonal factors (e.g. use of hormone replacement therapy, oral contraception), reproductive factors (e.g. age of first pregnancy, breastfeeding, age at menarche, age at menopause) and lifestyle factors (e.g. obesity, physical activity, alcohol consumption).
Overall, except for true genetic predisposition, each of these factors alone has a limited impact, with relative risks between 1.1 (reproductive factors) and 3.
Beside this, and over the past 20 years, breast density has been explored and validated as an important breast cancer risk factor, together but independently of its other effect (masking effect). Many studies have now acknowledged this breast cancer risk effect, which may be seen as a surrogate of genetic background and lifetime hormonal/other exposures: density is indeed currently regarded as an indicator that summarizes both a woman’s genetic background and exogenous exposures to hormones or other risk modifiers.
Breast cancer risk assessment models

These breast cancer risk models can be separated into those that utilize mainly hormonal and environmental factors and those that focus more on hereditary risk. Indeed, specific models have been developed in high familial risk populations that are able to predict for the probability of a germline mutation as well as for a woman’s individual breast cancer risk in this setting: they include the extended Claus and more recently, BRCAPRO and Bodicea models. These models are, however, not suitable for the general population, and have been developed to predict for BRCA1/2 mutations but may be less relevant for other germline alterations.
A crucial point is to use models that are internationally validated, and all 3 of these scores/models are currently being externally validated. The teams involved in MyPeBS have experience with two major, recently updated, and well renewed, breast cancer risk assessment models:
- The American BCSC model has been validated in the Mayo clinic cohort and, more recently, in French general breast screening populations (after adjustment on national incidence, c-statistic 0.61, E/0 1.005) and can be used as such.
- The Tyrer-Cuzick model has been largely described in general populations as well as high-risk family clinics or clinical trial populations (IBIS1). It has particular relevance for women with a family history: its accuracy is average in the general population (c-statistics between 0.57-0.60), while it is very high in family-risk populations (c-statistics up to 0.70).
Genotyping allows breast cancer risk identification

Beside the previous clinical risk factors and their aggregation in scores, huge international efforts (Europe and North America), through advances in genome technology, have led to the identification of over a hundred and fifty common, validated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with breast cancer risk
These SNPS predict either for invasive breast cancer in general for most of them and/or for risk of hormone-receptor negative, or risk of death from breast cancer. Most SNPS have a low effect, those described initially having the highest impact (OR 1.01-1.30 overall).
The complementarity of SNPs to predict cancer risk, with respect to other breast cancer risk factors, namely mammographic density, reproductive history, and lifestyle factors, is now demonstrated. The combinations of risk models including classical variables + mammographic density + SNP score (namely a polymorphism risk score = PRS) are used to estimate more accurately population risk, refining the high- and low-risk groups, such as in MyPeBS.